—Art Direction, Brand Identity, Copywriting, Graphic Design

stay. create. connect.
stream is a brand by Red Roof Inn that targets millennials and younger adults who are content creators and social media enthusiasts, urban dwellers with a moderate to high income.
• 18 - 35, with a mix of both male and female. 
• Annual household salary of around $50,000 to $100,000.
• Tech-savvy, creative, and entrepreneurial.​​​​​​​
Programs used:
Illustrator, Photoshop, PowerPoint, Premiere Rush
Pinterest research for Stream Hotel focuses on images related to content creation and social media.
 Images showcase a variety of content creation resources, such as cameras, lighting equipment, and editing software.
Images also feature examples of content created by guests during their stay at Stream Hotel, such as photography, videography, and social media posts.
Social media is a key theme, with images featuring popular social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, as well as social media influencers and their content.
trademark design.
The logo effectively communicates the brand's focus on content creation and the use of technology.
The choice of a video camera as the primary icon in the logo emphasizes the importance of video content creation.
The ad design emphasizes Stream Hotel's commitment to providing resources and equipment for content creation, as every room can be transformed into a studio.
The green screen and camera overlay create a sense of excitement and creativity, appealing to the target audience of content creators and social media enthusiasts.
The message for this bold and eye-catching billboard design featuring a YouTube thumbnail of a content creator reacting to Stream Hotel.
Headline "From Reaction to Relaxation" prominently displayed above the image, emphasizing the transition from the fast-paced world of content creation to a relaxing and comfortable stay at Stream Hotel.
exterior signs.​​​​​​​
Stream Hotel exterior signage features the logo on a tripod, which is a nod to the equipment used by content creators.
The highway and entry signage prominently display the Stream Hotel logo, ensuring high visibility for potential guests.
The "Enter" sign features the word "Live" with a recording symbol, indicating that guests can bring their content creation to life within the hotel.
The "Exit" sign features the word "End" with a buffering symbol, adding a touch of playfulness and humor to the signage while communicating the end of the guests' stay.
A parking sign reads "#parking" with the Twitter verification symbol, indicating that Stream Hotel is a social media-savvy brand that encourages guests to share their experiences online.
lobby signs.
#SelfieStations, #LobItUp, and #GymFlow are prominently displayed on an oversized iPhone for easy navigation.
Bathroom signage features distinct icons for men, women, and families.
The women's bathroom icon depicts two girls taking a selfie for #Ladies.
The men's bathroom icon depicts two boys taking a selfie for #Bros.
The family bathroom icon depicts a family taking a selfie for #Family.
The signage utilizes modern and trendy hashtags to appeal to the target audience of content creators and social media enthusiasts.
food. elevator. front desk signs.
A breakfast bar sign designed to look like a search bar, with the hashtag #foodporn to attract social media enthusiasts.
Elevator signage featuring a mouse icon going up, with the text "scroll up" to create a playful nod to social media behavior.
Elevator signage with a mouse icon going down, with the text "scroll down" to continue the playful social media theme.
Coffee signage featuring popular memes that appeal to younger generations and social media enthusiasts.
Front desk signs for the reception area that read "on air", creating a sense of excitement and uniqueness.
A wall sign behind the front desk that reads "#streaminn", creating a memorable hashtag for guests to use on social media.
room signs.
The first floor room signage features a YouTube subscribe button with the room number displayed and a mouse finger icon.
The second floor room signage features an Instagram story icon that displays the guest's Instagram picture along with the room number.
The third floor is the Twitch floor that displays the Twitch logo and room number in the same font.
The wayfinding signage throughout the hotel continues with the same hashtag theme such as #ice with ice cubes, #splash with splashes for the pool, and #gym with dumbbells.
Depending on what floor you are on, the room signage and wayfinding will be displayed in that social media theme, creating a cohesive and unique hotel experience.
powerpoint presentation.
stream 📹

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